


Thursday 20 September 2018

PASTOR ADAMS: Goal setting in the pursuit of destiny.

 Daniel 1:8-10

 It is from the heart that a purpose understood is baked and made ready for outward realization. When God gives us a vision of our lives, it is by personal responsibility that God given vision, dream is realized. prov. 22:29. Phil. 2:12

12. Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.


It's an aim a person set out to achieve in a life time - breakable into TRANSITIONAL(free and leisure) and COMMITTING ( specific life's goal ). Every goal is achievable within the span of time. Ecclesiastics 3:1-2.

 A goal is a dream with a deadline. Napoleon hill. Goals are fuel in the furnace of achievement - Brain Tracy

 To understand goals, time must be deeply understood. Time is the fragment of each day. Arnold Benneth sees time as an inexplicable raw material of everything. With it all is possible, without it nothing is. The supply of time is truly a daily miracle. Pst. Odewole RCBC.

Facts about time
Time is the most precious of possession Time is life. Ps. 90:12 (So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom).
 Time is irreversible. When you understand how time affects our destiny and life's goal, Our approach towards the usage will change. When you master your time, you master your life.

 The abuse of time is the primary source of all:
  •  Frustrations 
  •  Failures
  •  Loss of opportunity. Ps 49: 20
Nevertheless man being in honour abideth not: he is like the beasts that (Psalms 49: 12)


1. We must be goal setters if we must fulfill destiny. 

2. We must act on divine prompting so we don't miss our divine timing. 

 3. We must set our life's goal in line with scriptures. Gen. 17:1.

 Destiny is the very reason why God allowed you have to come into the planet earth. Each one of us is created to be a sort of solution to a specific problem in our environment 

  •  Immediate goals. This is segmented from the broad goal. (Academics, work, leisure 
  •  Ultimate goals. Accumulation or aggregates of all the goals to meet your life's expected goal in life. (Spiritual goals, posterity goals e.g legacy etc )
A. It must be sizable, specific and objective.

B. It must agree with your divine destiny already revealed by God to you. 

C. It must be measurable, 

 A. The greatest and glorious masterpiece of man is to know how to live to purpose - Michel de Montaigne 

 B. Purpose is what gives life a meaning -  C.H Parkhurst

 C. If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things - Albert Einstein.

D. I find it fascinating that people plan their vacation with more care than they do their lives. Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change. - Jim Rohn

1. Read the bible like you eat food. 

2. Stick to divine instruction without alternative. 

3. Learn from successful people.

 4. Discipline yourself 

 Apply the SMART model approach in setting achievable goals. That implies the goal must be
1. Specific.This is to enhance focusing.
 2 Measurable. So that you will know when you have met your set goals and as well give room for intermittent assessment of the goal.
 3. Attainable. The goal must be something that achievable within the time allotted to the goal ensure to keep up a discipline resolve.
 4. Realistic. Don't set goals that is not reasonable make your goals within what is realistic .Timed. Put a time line to every goal so it drives you to action.

Written By Pastor Adams Life Fountain Cathedral RCCG Ado.

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